10 Tips for Adults
10 Tips for Adults (10 Tips) is a multi-level direct education intervention designed to reinforce messages related to increasing fruit and vegetable consumption, increasing physical activity, consuming more water, and providing SNAP eligible adults with the skills to purchase healthy foods on a budget. The curriculum can be used in a variety of community-based settings frequented by SNAP eligible adults that complement and reinforce PSE interventions such as community gardens, healthy retail, worksite wellness, and healthcare clinical community linkages. The curriculum was designed to be implemented by qualified, professional Nutrition Educators and includes two distinct, but complementary, four-session series: Series A: Choosing MyPlate and Series B: Eating Better on a Budget. Each session includes a recipe demonstration and tasting to introduce participants to new healthy foods and simple cooking techniques to reduce perceived barriers to preparing healthy foods. The curriculum is a practice-tested, evidence-based approach listed as an intervention on the SNAP-Ed Toolkit
For more details about this curriculum including an evidence summary and evaluation indicators view the curriculum on the SNAP-Ed Toolkit.

10 Tips works to increase participants’ perceptions of the importance of a healthy diet and decrease their perceived barriers to shopping, cooking, and eating healthy on a budget.
Intervention Materials
The full set of materials are available for no cost upon request.
- 10 Tips for Adults Entire Curriculum: Instructor guide, lesson plans, supply lists, suggested recipes (downloadable lesson sample below)
- 10 Tips Recipes (downloadable version below)
- 10 Tips Handouts and Additional Recipes
- 10 Tips Lesson Modification Documents:
- Resource Guide for Shortened Lessons: Outlines required and optional components to ensure fidelity
- Maine SNAP-Ed Curriculum Modification Guidance
- 10 Tips In-class Activities
- 10 Tips Participant Evaluation Tool (downloadable version below)
Sample Materials

10 Tips for Adults Participant Evaluation Tool.
This retrospective pre/post survey tool can be provided to participants at the completion of the series.

Eating Better on a Budget – Recipes from the 10 Tips Nutrition Education Series.
This cookbook displays recipes from this curriculum along with additional tips on each page.
Introduction to the 10 Tips for Adults Curriculum
Contact Information
For more information and to request intervention materials:
Lori A. Kaley, MS, RDN, MSB
Program Manager, Maine SNAP-Ed
Phone: 207-221-4551
Email: lkaley@une.edu